Autism Awareness and Interaction
Training for First Responders
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Firefighter Autism Training
Autism Awareness Training for First Responders
Firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics and Law Enforcement Officers are trained to handle emergencies. Now there is a new type of training that needs to be addressed, training for an autism emergency. Autism is one of the fastest growing disabilities in the world and it is not going away. New statistics show that at least 5 million children and adults in the United States have a diagnosis of autism or a related disorder (CDC 2017), like Asperger syndrome or “pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified,” also known as P.D.D.-N.O.S. One out of every 36 children in the U.S. are born with some level of autism (CDC 2024) This is a giant increase in the past decade.
If we are not aware of this disorder and the vast spectrum of symptoms it encompasses, we will not be ready to handle the emergency effectively. A simple uneducated or untrained mistake can result in the loss of a fellow firefighter or even the individual. We can’t afford mistakes like this, especially when the training is now available.
Individuals with autism are so unique and their actions so unpredictable that it’s not only for their safety, but the firefighter and EMTs as well. If you walked into a fire and went to grab the individual, and he or she acted out not in fear of you, but in fear of being touched, you can get hurt as a result. There is no room for mistakes in the field. Everyone’s safety is important.
A 2008 study called “CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO FIREFIGHTER LINE-OF-DUTY INJURY IN METROPOLITAN FIRE DEPARTMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES” showed the dominant contributing factor to line of duty injuries was lack of situational awareness (37.35%).
Training Objectives
- Define autism and describe the common characteristics of individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
- Identify the sensory sensitivities, communication differences, and behavioral traits that may be present in individuals with autism.
- Identify effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies for interacting with individuals with autism.
- Outline the unique risks and challenges involved in search and rescue operations for individuals with autism, particularly in cases of elopement.
- Recognize how to modify typical medical protocols to accommodate the sensory and communication needs of an individual with autism.
The Training Transcript Manual
Learning how to effectively interact with an individual with autism is the one training we can’t afford to overlook. Knowing what to do and how to approach individuals with autism is the first step in effectively handling the emergency situation.
Purchase “The Training Transcript Manual Of The Autism Awareness & Interaction for all First Responders Course” in a book form here

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